Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Paris Hilton Biograhy

Paris Hilton Bilindiği Üzere Hilton Otellerinin Varislerindendir Paris Hilton’un Bide Erkeklere Çok Düşkün Olduğunu Bilmiyen Varmıdır…

Paris Hilton Biyography's

Doğum tarihi: 17 Şubat 1981 (1981-02-17) (28 yaşında)
Doğum yeri: New York City, New York, ABD
Mesleği: Sosyoelit, Model, Aktris, Şarkıcı, Moda tasarımcısı

Paris Whitney Hilton, (d. 17 Şubat 1981, New York). ABD’li sosyoelit, şarkıcı, aktris, model, moda tasarımcısı. Hilton otellerinin ve babası Richard Hilton’un emlak varlığının varisidir. Hem Los Angeles hem de Manhattan sosyetesinin en yüksek üyesi sayılır. Hem sosyoelit hem de ünlü olabilmeyi başarmış nadir kişilerdendir.

Richard Hilton ve Kathy Richards’ın 4 çocuğunun en büyüğüdür. Nicky Hilton adında bir kızkardeşi, Barron Hilton II ve Conrad Hilton III adında iki erkek kardeşi bulunmaktadır. Elizabeth Taylor’ın ilk kocası Paris’in büyük-büyük amcasıdır. Dedesinin babası Conrad Hilton (Hilton otellerinin kurucusu) 1979′da öldüğünde ailesine hiçbir şey bırakmamıştır. Bu durum karşısında Paris Hilton’un dedesi Barron Hilton dava açmış 1988′de davayı kazanmıştır. Hilton küçüklüğünde birçok yerde yaşamıştır. Bunların arasında Manhattan’daki Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, Beverly Hills ve Hamptons da bulunmaktadır. O sıralar Paris ve kardeşi Los Angeles’ta yaşamayı klüplere yakın olduğu için daha uygun buluyorlardı.

Paris, lisenin ilk yılını Kaliforniya’da, diğer yıllarını da New York’ta okumuştur. Üniversiteye gitmemiştir.

İlk defa kamuoyunda görülmesi, New York sosyoelitlerinden olması ve en meşhur varislerden biri olmasıyla meydana gelmiştir. Kardeşiyle birlikte New York’ta sayısız partide görülmüş, tüm sosyoelit dergilerine çıkmıştır. Backstreet Boys’un ünlü şarkıcısı Nick Carter ile nişanlıydı.Fakat daha sonra Nick Carter’ın isteği üzerine ayrılmışlardır.Daha sonra Nick Carter,Paris’in tüm yatak ve özel sırlarını basına sızdırmıştır.Her ne kadar sosyete dünyasının ünlüsü olarak tanınsa da Paris Hilton’u, esas üne kavuşturan olay erkek arkadaşı Rick Solomon ile çekilmiş seks videosunun 2003 yılında internette yayılmaya başlamasıdır. O sıralar Paris 19, Rick ise 32 yaşındadır. Bu video tam da Paris Hilton’un Fox kanalı için, Lionel Richie’nin evlatlık kızı Nicole Richie ile çekmekte olduğu Simple Life adlı reality şovunun gösterime girmesinde kısa bir süre önce ortaya çıkmıştır. Ardından dizi reyting patlamaları yaşamış ve bir kaç sezon devam etmiştir.

Televizyona yaptığı “Simple Life” isimli reality şov ve eski erkek arkadaşıyla çekilmiş, internette yayınlanan, pornografik “1 Night In Paris” videosuyla tüm dünyada da bir hayli tanınmıştır. Bundan sonra birçok dalda kendini kendini göstermeye çalışmış, en son olarak da 2006 yılında “Paris” isimli bir albüm çıkarmıştır.

Son yıllarda Paris Hilton, model, televizyon yıldızı, aktris olarak medyada çokça yer aldı. 2003-2004′te medayada kazancı 2 milyon doları, 2004-2005′te ise 6,5 milyon doları bulmuştur. Şöhretinin bir kaynağı da adının karıştığı skandallardır.

Model olarak
Paris Hilton, hem Amerika’da hem de İngiltere’de birçok manken ajansıyla anlaşma imzalamıştır. Philippe Treacy, Jasper Conran, Heatherette ve Julien MacDonald’ın defilelerinde podyuma çıktı. Birçok fotoğraf çekimi gerçekleştirdi ve GUESS, Tommy Hilfiger, Christian Dior ve Marciano’nun reklam kampanyalarında yer aldı.

Aktris olarak
Paris Hilton ve Nicole Richie (Lionel Richie’nin evlatlık kızı) 2003 yılında hit televizyon reality dizisi The Simple Life ‘ı çekmeye başladılar.Bu dizide Paris ve Nicole çiftlikte yaşayan bir ailenin yanına taşınıp onların hayatına uyum sağlamaya çalışıyorlardı.Dizi çok büyük bir ilgi çekince devam serileri de çekildi.Devam serilerinde yollarda gezerek durakladıkları yerlerde birkaç haftalığına part time işler yaptılar ve oradaki halktan erkeklerle beraber oldular.

Bunun yanısıra Paris, birçok filmde ve dizide küçüklü büyüklü birçok rolde yer aldı. Bunların arasında The O.C., Mumya Evi, Raising Helen, ve Seksi Ve Çıkgın bulunmaktadır. Bunların yanında Hilton’un yapımı bitmiş, gelecek sezon gösterime girecek birkaç filmde oynadığı açıklanmıştır.

Paris Hilton’un “1 Night In Paris” adında bir seks videosu da bulunmaktadır. Bunu izinsiz yayınlayan eski erkek arkadaşı Rick Salomon’a dava açmıştır. Bu davayı kazanan Paris, bu videodan hiç para almadığını iddia etmiştir.

Son dönemde Paris Hilton, kendisinin,kız kardeşinin ve köpeği Tinkerbell’in hayatını anlatacak olan çizgi filmde seslendirme yapacağını açıklamıştır. Bir parodide sesini izinsiz kullandığı için David Letterman’a kızgın olduğunu söylemiş ve “that’s hot” cümlesinin kendisine ait olduğunu iddia etmiştir.

John Oates’in “It Girl” ve Eminem’in “Just Lose It” videolarında da oynamıştır.

Şarkıcı olarak
Paris Hilton 2004′te “Heiress Records”‘u kurdu. Bu şirketten ilk ve tek albüm Paris Hilton’un Paris isimli albümüdür. Ancak Hilton, şirketine yeni sanatçıları da katacağını açıklamıştır.

Paris Hilton albümü için çalışmaya 2004′te yılında çalışmaya başladı. Albümüm pop, reggae ve hip hop tarzında olacağını söyledi. Albümüm ilk single’ı Stars Are Blind 20 Haziran 2006′da çıktı ve Billboard listesine 18 numaradan girmeyi başardı. Albüm 22 Ağustos 2006′da piyasaya çıktı. Satışları çok iyi gitmese de ikinci single Nothing In This World de piyasaya sürüldü.

Paris Hilton tüm eleştirilere rağmen ikinci stüdyo albümü için çalışmalara başladı.

Paris Hilton’un klibi Nothing In This World YouTube’daki kanalında 2 milyon’dan fazla kez izlendi. Sitede Paris Hilton’u 12 binden fazla YouTube üyesi takip etmektedir.

Rol aldığı yapımların Listesi

The Hottie and the Nottie (2008)
Pledge This! (2006) – Victoria English
Bottom’s Up (2006) – Lisa Mancini
House of Wax (Mumya Evi)(2005) – Paige Edwards
American Dreams – Barbara Eden (1 bölüm, 2005)
1 Night in Paris (2004)
Veronica Mars – Catilin Ford (1 bölüm, 2004)
The Hillz (2004) – Heather Smith
Raising Helen (2004) – Amber
The O.C. – Kate (1 bölüm, 2004)
George Lopez – Ashley (1 bölüm, 2004)
Las Vegas – Madison (1 bölüm, 2004)
The Cat in the Hat (2003)
Wonderland (2003) – Barbie
L.A. Knights (2003) – Sadie
QIK2JDG (2002) – Model
Nine Lives (2002) – Jo
Sweetie Pie (2000)
Wishman (1991) – Plajdaki kız

Paris Hilton Resimleri

Paris Hilton Biography

Socialite Paris Hilton was born on February 17, 1981 in New York City into the Hilton family and, along with his three siblings, heir to the vast Hilton hotel and real estate Dynasty.

His childhood was spent at home in the magnificent environment of the priciest on both coasts and featured a brief flirtation with the education system, including high schools Dwight school-ultra exclusive, from which he dropped out and finally gained his high school GED.

Luxurious living socialite from age relatively young, attending parties and covered by exclusive gossip press, Hilton seems to be addicted to gain celebrity status, which may be by the example of her mother were furthered, Kathy Hilton, who had a brief acting career himself, mostly on TV.

Hilton began an incredible campaign and well-financed to put herself in the public eye, on a screen, television and music. These efforts included a large number of physical changes. Of course the fun see girl, Hilton plastic surgery, hair coloring and colored contact lenses in an attempt to reinvent himself as a “hot”. Unfortunately, money cannot buy physical attribute changes he most dislikes about himself: his legs are very large.

Some skeptics speculated that the endless parade of silly inter-celebrity feud centered around the Hilton is, in fact, publicity stunts, another front in the campaign to keep his high exposure level. Has even been argued that the famous Hilton home video with her boyfriend Rick Salomon, who then where do explicit romantic activities Hilton with Rick Salomon, was part of this campaign too. If it is, it works. For better or worse, it makes the Hilton a household name overnight, and even many marketed as video, 1 Night in Paris (2004) (V).

Hilton’s efforts finally paid off and she got a modeling job, designers may rely on his notoriety. He has increased the presence on the screen, in TV commercials, television and film, at the first bit in Zoolander (2001), Wonderland (2003), Dr. Seuss ‘ The Cat in the Hat (2003) and guest star roles on TV shows such as “The O.C.” (2003) and “George Lopez” (2002), but then larger roles in the horror flick House of Wax (2005), direct-to-DVD Bottoms Up (2006) (V) and his own TV show, fish-out-of-water reality series “The Simple Life” (2003).

Hilton also has plans to become a player in the music business, has recorded an album and even started his own music label, heiress Records, to release it.

Hilton is widely derided for what some see as narcissism, materialism and shallow intellect and for other things as well, but he seems to be aware of the old adage that there’s no such thing as bad publicity and should be obvious even to his detractors that he was ambitious and driven to achieve, rather than just basking in his family’s vast fortune, like so many walks of life. In fact, do is just part of his many activities and he has dabbled in designing, writing (one keeps adding, with a professional writer on the team), and even the nightclub management marketing video games-all the features Paris Hilton, front and Center.

Paris Hilton Biography

Who will get more press coverage than Paris Hilton? Nobody! From her wealthy heiress background to her sex tape and today her ‘jail time’, she is constantly on the shock all although supplying a humorous contrast to the own, every-day, lives.

Paris Whitney Hilton was created Feb 17, 1981, to Richard Hilton and Kathy jeans diesel homme pas chere Richards. The earliest of 4 children, she’s an heiress to some share from the Hilton Hotel fortune in addition to her father’s property fortune.

Born in New You are able to City, Hilton moved between several houses throughout her childhood, including Manhattan, Beverly Hillsides and also the Hamptons. She attended senior high school both in California and New You are able to, but dropped out and finally gained her GED.

Hilton started modeling growing up, showing up in several ad campaigns, including Iceberg Vodka, GUESS, Tommy Hilfiger, Christian Dior and Marciano. By age 19, she’d created a status like a socialite, and was frequently known to as “New York’s leading It Girl.”

In 2003, only a week before her reality show The Easy Existence opened, a 3-year-old homemade sex video of Hilton with then-boyfriend Ron Salomon appeared. Hilton prosecuted Salomon within the discharge of the tape, but eventually settled from court. Meanwhile, The Easy Existence opened on December 2, 2003, and grew to become a mid-season hit for Fox, fueled through the publicity from the sex tape. The show featured Hilton and Nicole Richie (Lionel Richie’s adopted daughter) working at a number of blue collar jobs and dkny jeans men carrying out chores connected with farm existence. Two more seasons adopted, however the network made the decision to cancel just before the fourth season because of a receding between Hilton and Richie. E! Entertainment Television acquired the 4th season, having a fifth season starting in May 2007.

Born: Feb 17, 1981 Died: –

Renowned For: Socialite heiress model actress author made popular the saying, “That’s Hot.”

Key Achievements: Debut album, Paris, arrived at number 6 on Billboard 200 autobiography, Confessions of the Heiress, would be a New You are able to Occasions bestseller.

Significant Quote: “Because I am Paris Hilton.” (on why she’d not pose for Playboy in 2006)

Fun Quote: “I am nothing like that wise. I love forget stuff constantly.Inch

Hilton has already established minor roles such films as Nine Lives (2002), Raising Helen (2004), The Hillz (2004) and House of Wax (2005). jeans diesel pour femme pas chere She also offers a number one role within an approaching move, The Hottie and also the Nottie (2008) along with an untitled super hero movie. You will find also intends to lend her title and voice to some cartoon series which follows the animated existence of Paris, her sister Nicky and her dog Tinkerbell. Hilton has guest starred in instances of The O.C., The George Lopez Show, Vegas, American Dreams and Veronica Mars, and it has made an appearance in music videos including It Girl by John Oates and merely Lose It by Eminem.

Hilton founded Heiress Records, with parent label Warner Bros. Records, in 2004. She launched a self-entitled album in d&g jeans men 2006, which first showed at number 6 around the Billboard 200. It’s been Heiress Records’ only release up to now. In 2004, Hilton launched an autobiographical book, Confessions of the Heiress: A Tongue-in-Chic Look Behind the Pose. Despite media critique, it grew to become a brand new You are able to Occasions bestseller. Various other business efforts include creating handbags, jewellery and perfume.

In September, 2006, Hilton was arrested and billed with driving while impaired in California. She pled no contest towards the charges and was positioned on probation for 36 several weeks. On May 4, 2007, she was sentenced to 45 days in jail for breaking her probation. She’s needed to start serving her jail term by June 5, 2007.Who will get more press coverage than Paris Hilton? Nobody! From her wealthy heiress background to her sex tape and today her ‘jail time’, she is constantly on the shock all although supplying a humorous contrast to the own, every-day, lives.Paris Whitney Hilton was created Feb 17, 1981, to Richard Hilton and Kathy Richards. The gloria vanderbilt jeans stretch earliest of 4 children, she’s an heiress to some share from the Hilton Hotel fortune in addition to her father’s property fortune.Born in New You are able to City, Hilton moved between several houses throughout her childhood, including Manhattan, Beverly Hillsides and also the Hamptons. She attended senior high school both in California and New You are able to, but dropped out and finally gained her GED.Hilton started modeling growing up, showing up in several ad campaigns, including Iceberg Vodka, GUESS, Tommy Hilfiger, Christian Dior and Marciano. By age 19, she’d created a status like a socialite, and was frequently known to as “New York’s leading It Girl.”In 2003, only a week before her reality show The Easy Existence opened, a 3-year-old homemade sex video of Hilton with then-boyfriend Ron Salomon appeared. Hilton prosecuted Salomon within the discharge of the tape, but eventually settled from court. Meanwhile, The Easy Existence opened on December 2, 2003, and grew to become a mid-season hit for Fox, fueled through the publicity from the sex tape. The show featured Hilton and Nicole Richie (Lionel Richie’s adopted daughter) working at a number of blue collar jobs and carrying out chores connected with farm existence. Two more seasons adopted, however the network made the decision to cancel just before the fourth season because of a receding between Hilton and Richie. E! Entertainment Television acquired the 4th season, having a fifth season starting in May 2007.Born: Feb 17, 1981 Died: –Renowned For: Socialite heiress model actress author made popular the saying, “That’s Hot.”Key Achievements: Debut album, Paris, arrived at number 6 on Billboard 200 autobiography, Confessions of the Heiress, would be a New You are able to Occasions bestseller.Significant Quote: “Because I am Paris Hilton.” (on why she’d not pose for Playboy in 2006)Fun Quote: “I am nothing like that wise. I love forget stuff constantly.InchHilton has already established minor roles such films as Nine Lives (2002), Raising Helen (2004), The Hillz (2004) and House of Wax (2005). She also offers a number one role within an approaching move, The Hottie and also the Nottie (2008) along with an untitled super hero movie. You will find also intends to lend her title and voice to some cartoon series which follows the animated existence of Paris, her sister Nicky and her dog Tinkerbell. Hilton has guest starred in instances of The O.C., The George Lopez Show, Vegas, American Dreams and Veronica Mars, and it has made an appearance in music videos including It Girl by John Oates and merely Lose It by Eminem.Hilton founded Heiress Records, with parent label Warner Bros. Records, in 2004. She launched a self-entitled album in 2006, which first showed at number 6 around the Billboard 200. It’s been Heiress Records’ only release up to now. In 2004, Hilton launched an autobiographical book, Confessions of the Heiress: A Tongue-in-Chic Look Behind the Pose. Despite media critique, it grew to become a brand new You are diesel white jeans men able to Occasions bestseller. jeans jeans diesel men sale guess homme Various other business efforts include creating handbags, jewellery and perfume.In September, 2006, Hilton was arrested and billed with driving while impaired in California. She pled no contest towards the charges and was positioned on probation for 36 several weeks. On May 4, 2007, she was sentenced to 45 days in jail for breaking her probation. She’s needed to start serving her jail term by June 5, 2007.

Paris Hilton Biography & Hot Bikini Photot

Paris Hilton Biography

Paris Hilton Early Life and Background
Paris Hilton is the eldest of four kids of Kathy Hilton and Richard. Paris Hilton has brothers, Barron and Conrad, and sister, Nicky.
Paris Hilton attended the Mary wood-Palm Valley School in Rancho Mirage, California followed through the Dwight School in New York. Then Paris Hilton was transferred to Canterbury School, in the New Milford, Connecticut at where Paris Hilton was an associate of hockey team. Though, in early 1999, Paris Hilton was disqualified for breaking the school rules.

Paris Hilton Career Graph
Paris Hilton has worked as an actress, musician, model, and occupied in infrequent business pursuits. In accordance with Forbes Magazine, Paris Hilton earned about $2 million in 2003–2004, and $6.5 million in 2004–2005, and $7 million in 2005–2006.

Paris Hilton As a model
At an early age, Paris Hilton started modeling, primarily at aid organization events. At the age of 19, Paris Hilton joined with Donald Trump's modeling organization, T Management. Paris Hilton has worked with Ford Models in New York, Models 1 Agency in London, Nous Model Management in Los Angeles, and Premier Model Management in London. Paris Hilton has emerged in several advertising campaigns, comprised Tommy Hilfiger, Marciano, GUESS, Christian Dior, and Iceberg Vodka. And in the year of 2001, Paris Hilton started to enlarge a status as the socialite, being recognized as "New York's leading It Girl" whose reputation was opening to "extend beyond the New York tabloids". Paris Hilton has emerged in various magazines, comprised April 2004 issue of Maxim.

Paris Hilton As a Media Personality
Paris Whitney Hilton an American television personality, socialite, celebutante, actress, businesswoman, heiress, model, singer and author.
Paris Hilton is famous for her appearance in sex tape in 2003, and Paris Hilton look on TV series The Simple Life, Paris Hilton numerous minor movie roles (most particularly Paris Hilton role in a horror movie House of Wax in 2005), Paris Hilton 2004 tongue-in-cheek memoirs, and Paris Hilton 2006 album Paris, and Paris Hilton job in modeling. Due to numerous legal incidents, Paris Hilton provided a usually publicized condemnation in Los Angeles County jail in 2007.

Paris Hilton Biography
Paris Hilton is the eldest of four kids of Kathy Hilton and Richard. Paris Hilton has brothers, Barron and Conrad, and sister, Nicky.
Paris Hilton attended the Mary wood-Palm Valley School in Rancho Mirage, California followed through the Dwight School in New York. Then Paris Hilton was transferred to Canterbury School, in the New Milford, Connecticut at where Paris Hilton was an associate of hockey team. Though, in early 1999, Paris Hilton was disqualified for breaking the school rules.

Paris Hilton Film
Paris Hilton has made cameo appearances in several films, especially The Cat In The Hat, Wonderland, and Zoo Lander. Hilton landed trifling supporting roles in feature movies Raising Helen, House of Wax, The Hillz, and Nine Lives. And Paris Hilton character as Paige Edwards in the House of Wax achieved the Teen Choice Award for "Best Scream" and saved Paris Hilton a recommendation for "Choice Breakout Performance – Female". She earned a recommendation for "Best Frightened Performance" at the 2006 MTV Movie Awards. Paris Hilton did her primary lead role in 2006 with straight-to-DVD releases National Lampoon's Pledge This! and Bottoms Up. Paris Hilton plays Hottie in the box office bomb romantic comedy The Hottie and the Nottie, released in 2008. Paris Hilton had a slight cameo appearance as herself in An American Carol. On the other hand, in a conference Repo! Director Darren Lynn Bousman exposed that he had initially refused to test Paris Hilton for a role of Amber Sweet. "I broke down," says Darren, "and I m
et with her, and immediately Paris Hilton charmed everyone in the room."

Paris Hilton Television
Paris Hilton co-starred with Nicole Richie in a Fox reality series The Simple Life, which premiered on 2nd December, 2003. And The Simple Life ran for three seasons on Fox. And the show was refused through Fox after the quarrel between Richie and Hilton, but it ran through E! Entertainment Television for fourth and fifth seasons. In the month of March of 2008, it was known that Paris Hilton would a star in new MTV reality series uncertainly titled Paris Hilton's My New BFF, concerning Paris Hilton looking for the new good friend. And the series ran on 30th September, 2008.
Paris Hilton has guest starred in the episode of The George Lopez Show, Las Vegas, Veronica Mars, American Dreams and The O.C.. Additionally, Paris Hilton appeared in numerous music videos, including "Just Lose It" by Eminem and "It Girl" by John Oates. In April 2008, Hilton guest starred on My Name is Earl episode I Won't Die with a Little Help from My Friends. On 29th January, 2009, Paris Hilton starred in her good friend, shown on the ITV2 in England.

Paris Hilton As an author
In the year of 2004 Paris Hilton unconfined an autobiographical book, Confessions of an Heiress: A Tongue-in-Chic Peek Behind the Pose, co-written through Merle Ginsberg. Paris Hilton allegedly achieved a $100,000 advance recompense for the book. It became a New York Times bestseller. Paris Hilton summarized it with the designer diary, with Ginsberg, named Your Heiress Diary: Confess It All to Me.

Paris Hilton Activism and politics
In the year of 2007, after studying the graphic video about the animals lifted for their fur, Paris Hilton declared her hold up of vegetarianism and her conflict to wearing fur. After it, Hilton stated:
“From that point [after witnessing the video shown by Heather Mills], I've never worn fur and I never will. I also haven't eaten any meat since....I was grossed out. It was disgusting.”
Paris Hilton is a Democrat. Hilton was follower of Barrack Obama's Democratic presidential candidacy, stating that "I am definitely voting. I think that Barrack Obama is a very exciting politician. He has some good ideas, and he's very inspiring to a lot of people."

Paris Hilton Personal Life
Paris Hilton was engaged with a fashion model Jason Shaw from mid-2002 to early 2003. And in 2003-2004, Paris Hilton had a link with vocalist Nick Carter. After it, Paris Hilton was engaged with Greek shipping heir Paris Latsis, from 29th May, 2005 to November 2005. after that, Paris Hilton started dating with a new Greek shipping heir, Stavros Niarchos III, but they remained together few months. In the year of 2008, Paris Hilton was marked with Good Charlotte guitarist Benji Madden and in May, Paris Hilton announced her purpose to marry with Madden for the period of interview with TV talk-show host David Letterman. And they separated in November 2008 but they remained together like good friends.
Paris Hilton stated Live with Regis and Kelly: "One-night stands are not for me. I think it's gross when you just give it up. Guys want you more, if you don't just hand it to them on a platter."
On 20th December, 2008, a man entered in Paris Hilton Mulholland Estates, Los Angeles home. He stole jewelry and many other things from Paris Hilton room. At the time, Paris Hilton was not at home. Nobody was wounded in home invasion. And there is rumor that it was contained by a job.

Paris Hilton Filmography
Paris Hilton Actor

Repo! The Genetic Opera! (2008).... Amber Sweet
The Hottie and the Nottie (2008).... Cristabelle Abbott
Celebrity Sex Tapes Unwound (2006)
Bottoms Up (2006).... Lisa Mancini
Pledge This! (2006).... Victoria English
In the Mix (2005)
Elite Models Strut and Playboy Bunnies Play Poker (#2.6)
House of Wax (2005).... Paige Edwards
Veronica Mars (2004)
The Teen Choice Awards 2004 (2004).... Co-Host
Credit Where Credit's Due (#1.2).... Catilin Ford
The Hillz (2004).... Heather Smith
Raising Helen (2004).... Amber
Las Vegas (2003)
Things That Go Jump in the Night (#1.14).... Madison
The O.C. (2003)
L.A. Knights (2003).... Sadie
The L.A. (#1.22).... Kate
The Cat in the Hat (2003).... Female Club-Goer
Wonderland (2003).... Barbie
George Lopez (2002)
Jason Tutors Max (#3.18).... Ashley
American Dreams (2002)
California Dreamin' (#3.15).... Barbara Eden
QIK2JDG (2002).... Strung-out Supermodel
Nine Lives (2002).... Jo
Sweetie Pie (2000)
Hollywood Squares (1998)
(2003-05-12).... Guest Appearance
Late Show with David Letterman (1993)
Wishman (1993).... Girl on Beach
Paris Hilton Discography
Paris Hilton Albums
Paris (released August 22, 2006)
TBA (2009)
Paris Hilton Singles
Paris Hilton From Paris:
"Stars Are Blind"
"Turn It Up"
"Nothing in This World"

Paris Hilton Biography

Paris Hilton Biography in a nutshell

Known to be an American socialite, model, an artist, fasionista, singer, actress, fashion designer, author and lot more, she is the granddaughter to industrialist Conrad Hilton. Since childhood Paris Hilton had developed her love for the ramp. She was seen in ad campaigns for brands such as Christian Dior, GUESS, Iceberg Vodka, Tommy Hilfiger and Marciano. By the age of 19, she was a well-known socialite, and was often known as "New York's leading It Girl." Her talent was later expressed in reality shows, Hollywood movies, as a singer and as a fashion designer. Not just for her talents but also for her ‘living-on-the-edge’ lifestyle, the hollywod actor is often surrounded by controversies. Paris Hilton biography reveals much more about her life, scandals and various ventures that she is a part of.

Paris Hilton Scandal: that made her famous
From jail to sex tapes, Paris Hilton scandal stories are many. Few of these have popped up as shockers through the media, while others have been hussed up. During the premeire of reality show “The Simple Life” surfaced homemade sex video of Hilton with then-boyfriend Rick Salomon. Salomon was sued for this though there was an out of court settlement. In the year 2006, Hilton was charged with driving under the influence of liquor in California. She pled no contest to the charges. On May 4, 2007, she was sentenced to 45 days in jail for violating her probation. August 2010 she was arrested for supposedly carrying cocaine and later released. Paris Hilton scandal stories often, are among the top stories that feature in various media channels and magazines.

Paris Hilton Fashion- at its best
Paris Hilton can aptly be called as the fashionista. From designer wears to the very stylish tan look, the lady can carry it all so well. Some of her memorable looks like the one in DVF Sundress, marigold minidress, pink mini with a tiara are spoke of in the fashion world. Her own clothing line collection too depicts her knowledge and choice on trend. She launched her own collection in 2007. This collection gets upgraded every month. Apart from the ones she flaunts, her clothing line and accessories are beauties to marvel at. This socialite is known for her fashion. Paris Hilton fashion is talked about not only in the industry but in